The Global Institute was established in 2002 by Nanang Suryana SE (Mr. Jacko). Before The Global Institute, it was English Community named International English Lover Community (IELC) independently. The participants were from around the world located in Yogyakarta.
In 2004 moved to Jakarta then no longer change to be The Global Institute independently. Year by year TGI has given many English Training and courses whether private class, general course, in house/company training or even soft skill etc.
TGI has a vision in Educating people for better future through languages and other supported skills. More than 1000 students/training had been trained with Mr Jacko (CEO of TGI) such as PT Telkom Indonesia and Subsidiaries (Infomedia, Telkomsel, Telkom Akses, PINS, TPCC Bandung etc) and other companies such as Pusat Pelatihan Export Indonesia (PPEI), World Assembly Moslem Youth, PT Sanjaya tama Lestari business partner of Unilever, STP Trisakti etc.
VIEW PROGRAM STUDYNanang Suryana SE (Mr. Jacko)
NIB: 0220005302389
Yayasan Global Insani Indonesia